Thus, jumping, sprinting forward, and moving slightly to the side will significantly increase the player’s movement velocity. Strafe Jumping: is a new movement that will increase movement velocity while jumping, strafing, and moving forward all at the same time.Bunny Hopping: is a simple modification that increases horizontal velocity while airborne, particularly while sprinting and jumping.Aside from this, all modifications and new movements only require being installed on the client.

When installed on the server as well as the client, players will not lose movement speed when they take fall damage. It adds a few new types of movement and modifies existing movement behaviors. Sharking refers to gliding across the surface of water by holding jump. The trimp mechanic is a modified version of the Fortress Forever trimp mechanic: if you’re moving fast enough, holding sneak while jumping will convert some of your horizontal speed into vertical speed. The air and ground acceleration code is actually based on Half-Life’s, but it should be fairly similar to Quake’s. Bunnyhopping is uncapped by default, but has config settings for Fortress Forever-style soft and hard bunnyhop caps.
This mod adds bunnyhopping, strafe jumping, air control, trimping, and sharking to Minecraft and removes losing speed from taking fall damage (needs to be installed server-side for this). Squake Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 is a Quake-style movement mod for Minecraft, mostly inspired by the movement in Fortress Forever/Team Fortress Classic.